Thursday 3 January 2013

Season 2012 comes to an end


We have had a great year but none of this would have been possible without the superb efforts of Alan and Chris at the club. Thank you.

James #532 - The 'CrashKing' became known as the 'PowerKing'. Watch out in 2013
Brandon #531 - The 'Madd Predator' became the 2012 Banger Points Champion
Graham #530 - The 'Oldman' became the 2012 Stock Car Points Champion

         2012 Banger & Stock Car Points Trophies

Great racing all year but if we had to list 3 highlights they would be:

  • Max Howard - A star of the future without doubt
  • Jamie Clark - Back axle alignment
  • Mr Hot Rod - Obviously time to call it a day

Season 2013

Work has started already in preparation for 2013 but the the focus will be on the younger team members with maybe the 'Oldman' doing a few meetings when time allows.

The 2012 Points winning #530 Stock Car has been totally stripped and rebuilt since its win at the last meeting of the year. A new base plate with front suspension has been manufactured and fitted by Eccles Motorsport but apart from that all the original parts have been utilised again. This is now the Team Eccles prototype car.

The #531 Stock Car now has a red wing in readiness for the start of 2013 with Brandon now starting at red grade. We have no immediate plans to run a brushless/lipo combo and will see how things develop over the coming year.

Eccles Motorsport Garage
With Alan retiring after being promotor for so many years, 2013 will have its challenges in this period of change for all at URCCC.

Best wishes to all in 2013 and enjoy your retirement Alan.


  1. Well done guys. All the best for the new year. Ill be back racing some time soon.

    Anthony wyper. 30. Macs graffix race team number one driver.

    1. Thanks Toe. Be great to have you back racing. Thinking of you and family always. Team Eccles
